Racing History




















































































































My first full year of racing

In 2006 I won the Comer Cadet Blackbushe Championship and came 4th in the Shenington Championship. {There's a picture of me holding the Championship cup in the 2007 section.} These are some of my trophies………

In April, I won my first Final at Blackbushe. The first picture shows me in the lead after 3 laps of the race.
Still in the lead after 10 laps
Having taken the chequered flag. The second place driver is number 95, who is just about to cross the finish line.
Number 22 has been lapped.
Handing back the Chequered flag after my parade lap.
Another win in July at Blackbushe
At the end of July, I represented Camberley Kart Club in the Comer Cadet class at the King and Ace of Clubs meeting at Whilton Mill near Daventry, Northants. {See link} Here I am with the other Camberley Kart Club Team Members.
For this meeting I ran as Kart number 21.
I'm seen here entering the corner called The Boot.
On the 23rd December, I became Blackbushe Champion after finishing second in the Final.
I'm holding the second place trophy. The Championship trophy will be presented at the awards evening in February 2007.
I'm the Champion…….
The local press were interested in my achievements